Hatékonyságnövelő programunk civil szervezetek → és szakmai önkéntesek → részére
We help you tackle management, organization, and leadership challenges with solutions tailored to your organization, ranging from ad-hoc consultations and trainings to complex development programmes lasting several months or even years.
Strategic planning & implementation support
Social impact planning, measurement, & improvement
Deeper understanding of beneficiaries, issues, markets, improvement opportunities, etc.
Definition, planning, implementation, evaluation, and improvement of programmes
Business planning, development of social enterprises and impact startups
Improvement of operations, structures, and processes
Development of teamwork, culture, performance, well-being, leadership skills, and resilience
Planning and implementation of skills-based volunteering programmes
Having experience in both the non-profit and for-profit world, we understand the context, the needs, and the language of each of these organizations
These short videos about our skills-based volunteering programme were shot with non-profit and church participants and skills-based volunteers, who were prepared and supported by our team. (Hungarian and English subtitles are available.)
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